Sunny · 66°

Pet Policy

In consideration of the people attending events at the Davis County Fairgrounds ONLY trained service animals, as currently defined under the ADA, are allowed on the fairgrounds with the exception of your designated camping area. Designated camping area is defined as within your private camper or on leash within your camping lot.

Comfort, therapy, and emotional support animals are NOT considered trained service animals. They are considered pets and only allowed in your camping area. Service animals must be under the owner’s control at all times and remain on a leash.

One Exception: Animals entered in the 4H and/or FFA pet and dog shows during the fair will be allowed the day of the show. When not in the show ring the animals must be on leash and ONLY in the area surrounding the show ring. At no time can your animal be left unattended. Absolutely no animals left unattended in a vehicle.

These rules are for the protection of people and animals. Authorized Event Directors, Fairboard directors, Fair Superintendents and Extension Personnel will be enforcing this policy please listen to their directions or the police will be contacted. Thank you for your understanding.